
Showing posts from December, 2017

Fermentation Admiration!

Fermented foods are some of my favorite, mostly because I am of German decent. I grew up with sauerkraut as a side to everything. As I got older and my grandparents quickly passed, I found myself wanting more than just a CAN of kraut! ( Enter Bulgarian Love of my Life )  It almos t seemed like my grandparents   could hear my cries for something better and sent down my soulmate to fill that void I had been missing since  I  had  lost them... from that point on, I was eating  sour cabbage rolls and salad almost every week with my new family !  On a beautiful Sunday morning exactly a year ago, my new little family and I did some exploring at their new farm house. We found some pretty amazing and interesting things that day. After such a long day of exploring, we headed back home to make dinner. Baba was making fermented cabbage like she always did, in a large paint bucket! It always had my interest and amazed me. I'm sure she could tell, as she looked up...